

Mismatched towels
Spread out on the sand
Tall grass behind us
The blue sea before us
Saying hello with every
Rolling wave

I unpack a wicker basket
Juicy strawberries and
Plump blueberries
Cheese, jams and crackers
Salads and sparkling wine
A summer picnic on a winter's day

The sun shines down on us
Two lovers on a
Picnic date for two
As we kick off our shoes
And let the sand
Tickle our toes

He's wearing shorts and a pair of sunnies
And I a straw hat and my hair down
I stop passersby
Ask them for a photo
They happily oblige
Immortalizing this moment forever

We talk about nothing and everything
Watching children
And rescue teams in training
Not a cloud in the sky
And in his warm embrace
I couldn't feel happier

I break a piece of bread
Fresh from the bakery
And thank God for this life
For finding true love
And for his creation
Feeling blessed

Today I'm back at the office
Dreaming of the weekend
And being able to spend time
Again in the great outdoors
While eating leftovers
From yesterday's picnic
And thinking about him
© Cynthia Sappracone