

Let them breathe
Many expect their child to succeed in all,
Perfect in tasks, an all-rounder’s call.
From studies to sports, at the top,
Wake early, study hard, never stop.
Go to school, learn hard each day,
Come home, study more, no time to play.
Hard, hard, and hard again,
A boring, routine life of strain.

When they want a break,
“Don't waste time, Look at him,
how he's climbing high.”
When they want rest,
“So lazy you’ve become,”
No respite, no peace,
just the beat of the drum.

To teachers and parents,
Take heed or continue,
but know without doubt:
Success in every corner is a dream
far and wide,
They're human,
born to err and stride.

Studying hard doesn't bring joy,
Do you want them to enjoy,
to employ every line read,
every lesson learned,
Or just to beat the topper?

The taste of education
has changed its flavor,
Marks and ranks
don’t determine one's favor.
It’s not the high rank
that guarantees a shine,
But talent, passion, resilience define.

Criticism is easy, blame’s not my aim,
I understand your desires,
your fears in this game
your child to succeed and best
But don't let your fears be all they heed.

Don't make them live
just to chase your dream,
Let them breathe,
let their true worth gleam.

© Aboorva