

forever gone
I've closed my eyes, blindly I've drawn,
my feelings lead my hand.
pure insight is what I've been chasing.

Maybe I've never met you yet or maybe I already did I can't tell, I won't promise you unfortunately because I don't believe in promises anymore, yet I give you my precious word if it was true and real it will last, unconditional love imperfectly perfect.

What I ever loved about pain is it has an unique taste of bitterness and sourness, that since you've drank just a too little bit you'll experience growth faster in a hard way, then eventually I've found myself grateful about tasting that pain, and the fact that it makes you stronger itself is wonderfully interesting.

I've fell in love two times and I truly loved two times, I got hurt in both of them, then I don't expect any kind of love without getting hurt.

© Unickk