

Miss you
I miss you, Mom, every single day
Your laughter, your hugs, your gentle way
The way you'd smile and brighten my day
I wish you were here, what can I say

Your love was like a warm embrace
A guiding light, a steady pace
I long to see your loving face
To feel your presence, your grace

But though you're gone, you're still with me
In memories that set my heart free
I know you're watching over me
And that's a comfort, can't you see?

So until we meet again, dear Mom
I'll hold you close, in my heart, calm
And cherish all the love and charm
You brought into my life, a balm

I miss you, Mom, but I'll smile through
For I know you'd want me to
And though I can't hug you, it's true
I feel your love, shining bright and true
© Poe-eem da poet