

Jan 20 in Sunlight
The morning came hopeful
For a country so tired
Peace be so peaceful
A wish so admired

Our people, our president
New hopes for the masses
To heal wounds so present
To heal all, so massive

The sunshine so agile
God's patience so long
To a transfer so fragile
For a country so strong

The world looks on hopeful
To a country so vast
To a country so powerful
They now have to ask

Are we strong a people
Where all can succeed
Will countries watch steeple
A goal to keep free

For those chosing freedom
Though some lost the way
If faced with defiance
Those wages we'll pay

Arlington, brave resting
Their price clearly seen
Liberty manifesting
Our freedom not free

We look oh so hopeful
His speech to unite
For hate is so hateful
And love so so right

Jan 20, so awesome
Jan 20, so feared
Caution, much caution
For those so afeared

No fires, no fighting
No protest to see
No people inciting
All woes absentee

World, share and show us
You want to be free
We'll help, but not owe us
We do so with glee

Give day and remember
Four short years hence
No fires, no ember
Jan 20 as past tense

Peace is the mission
And liberty our right
Jan 20 our transition
Jan 20 in sunlight