

The Better Days to Come
The sun rises and sets everyday,
An unbroken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectations...
That welcome in by grace,
Openly come in thy doors and steps.
To what path that all lies ahead of me,
Neither Joy or comfort and agony...
For here am I sitting down nullified,
For even the good that I was expecting.
Came not what thy come to see me.
Even the ray of a sun shadow by the clouds.
Nor does the sky turns dry,
Yet rain come to pour my tears flowing in
Like comfort behind someones back.
Listen well my fellow mellow,
We all suffer over what we ponder.
Yet end not the process of your goals,
But see the outcome further ahead,
For not all our tears can be a waste,
Because at the next sunrise.
You shall smile and rejoice.

© The Book owl