

Coffee maker

On the train of life, it rolls without end,
a solitary man seeks where he can blend.
Life, like a coffee maker, simmers inside,
with grains of essence that speak of his pride.

He’s a shattered glass, with fragments of the past,
each shard a memory, each piece holds fast.
Though sometimes he feels there’s no place he belongs,
a heart beats in silence, where love still throngs.

Like a river flowing, searching for its stream,
it doesn’t matter the rejection, or shattered dream.
Those who truly see him, recognize his fight,
a spark of resilience, a glow in the night.

So, amidst the steam and the dreams that have fled,
the man stands unwavering, though wounded and bled.
For in his dark journey, a light will ignite:
to someone you matter, you’re their guiding light.

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