Fog rolls in over the coastal town, damp, silent air and no feet on the ground.
Swing is swinging, but not a child to be found.
Jungle gym yearns for a childs touch but the lure of its fun is just not enough.
Not enough to break the chains of his reach, not enough to defeat the fear he continues to teach.
Magical and majestic redwood trees, stand strong and stoic in the coastal breeze.
They tower over this evil place, casting shadows as dark as his soul less face.
His darkness doesnt deserve the light nor the warmth of the day. His thoughts are evil and the children pay.
Pay with their innocence, their unjaded soul. Children torn to pieces who will never be whole.
Confused and uncertain if this is the way. They know no different, its life every day.
They want to build tree forts, slide down the slide. Instead they are beckoned to come on inside.
They cannot evade his reach or hide from his view. Days they remain unseen are relieving and few.
Stepping out the front door is a gamble they always lose. A bribe of of an ice cream is what he would use.
Love, hate, pleasure and pain. All felt at once but fear was the main.
How can they love him and hate him the same? How can he love them if he causes the fear thats their chain?
They want to break the chain, want the truth to be told. They are scared and confused and fail to be bold.
It was ingrained in their brain that they were the weak. Engraved in their souls they were helpless and meak.
Their needs were not valued, their feelings were mute.
In his sick, twisted mind he he would never be caught. He thought himself smarter than the children he bought.
Bought with the fear he instilled in their heart. Bought with sweet treats and a trip to the mart.