

Recall of a call

You made a beautiful remark in a powerful whisper.
Taking my hand and taking me into the darkness in search of a brighter tomorrow.
I'm holding them, I'm encasing them in my arms.

Never giving up,so you said in a shrill voice
let it out to get it better,you insisted
mad you put into thy hands to create
as I saw you vanish and loose breathe.

Today ,creation is her biggest voice
in the mad house,she built using blocks
because in everything,she recalls the voice
And brings not a vice in the wishes to block.

The remarks comes in ,to mark and tuck
the whisper gives a voice to kill a vice,
Your hands she remembers and wishes for a hand -in,
In the search for a better tomorrow,in darkness,
she's now a light to a future of the tomorrow
so ,she cries and recalls of you in every narration.

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