

As a daughter
She was her daddy's princess
And as a woman
She was pressed down as a activist

Her world as a child
Was chocolate melted in ice
Never did she imagined
It would soon turn
Into a blessing in disguise

Her gender was never questioned
As told was her daddy's princess
Never thought this patriarchy
Would become a reason of her darkness

Fair, slim zero figure
Were the standards
She thought
Anxiety depression
Was a myth
She was taught

As she grew
She didn't met
The stereotype standards
What all she met
Was her own standards

She learned to grow
She learned to stand
In the world of beauty
She raised the bar
She raised her hand

In the classroom
As a girl she was treated
When ask to lift
She was ignored in pieces

Lifting is just for boys
What a girl can do
Was the question that arrised?

Girl are only for makeup
Was what she was teached
A girl can never lift up
Was this was they preached ?

A supermodel or fashion model
Only for makeup
Is what she thought
More than that
Was her dreams she saw

All she could do was washing the dishes
The stereotypes will not agree for her dreams she saw

In the world where
Every girl wanted to be adorned with jewels
She still wished to be dressed with success

All she dreamt was to takeover the family
This will only be done by boys was the lesson stereotypes teached

I can do
I can do
Was all she recited
The first chief justice of India
She decided

The stereotypes pulled her back
Stabbed with thorns
She never looked back
Ignored them all

Her dreams were bigger than her desires it seemed
All she did was
Believed in her dreams

Can I do it
Can I do it
Was the question that repeated
But the universe told her
Yes she can replace all the stereotypes
Was the thought with which she proceeded

The war didn't end here
She went to court
Girls cannot do anything
Was all she heard

Men can only be the gods of justice is what everyone said
She wanted to be the Kiran
Of the dark paths of people
Who rained blood she said

She conquered the court
She conquered the hearts
The chief justice of india
Is what she became

Time to marry
Time to leave
Her father sobbed in tears
As she leaves
Don't go don't go
Was the voices she heard
Is it that necessary ?
Was the query she upholds.

She was beaten
She was burned
In the house of four walls
She was rapped and seized

All she could hear were abuses of beasts
All she could was stand on her knees

She stood for herself
She stood for humanity

Was it her fault
Was never given a thought upon
It was there fault
Was the thought that always laid

She won
She was the queen of hearts now
Stereotypes raised questions
But she dotched all thorns
And formed
You know what ?
Her own bar of standards

As now when she is old
Old enough to raise her own kid
Yes she adopted one
And she is her Kiran too

She still crushes the stereotypes of divorcee mothers
And upholds the title of a strong woman who will be always looked upon

And here how her story ends and what about Kiran you may ask?

Kiran is always there
Enlightening women
To stand up and to fight ..

© shruti singh