

The voice of silence
In the realm of stillness, where silence resides,
A voice emerges, where peace gently abides. 😊

No words are spoken, no sound can be heard,
Yet the voice of silence speaks volumes, undisturbed. 😊

It whispers secrets, only the heart can perceive,
Unveiling truths that the mind cannot conceive. 😊

With tranquil grace, it softly serenades,
Guiding us through life's intricate charades. 😊

In its embrace, worries and fears subside,
As the voice of silence becomes our trusted guide. 😊

It speaks of love, in a language so pure,
A melody of serenity, forever to endure. 😊

Through rhyming couplets, its essence is conveyed,
Each syllable carefully chosen, never to fade. 😊

Relaxed and serene, its tone brings a smile,
Unlocking the language of the soul, mile by mile. 😊

The key points it shares, are hidden in its verse,
A treasure trove of wisdom, waiting to immerse. 😊

So let us listen, to the voice of silence's song,
And find solace in its melody, all lifelong. 😊
© Universalconsciousness963