

The idea of you.
I don’t think I’m still stuck on you.
I think I’m stuck on the idea of you..
The perfect image and life for us that I made up in my head.
The holidays I pictured us togther at,
The adventures I dreamt of conquering together,
The way I projected my sister, my mom, my brother, my dad, and my friends meeting you.
they all loved you…
my brother loved the way you played games
with him,
my dad loved all the stories you told him,
and my sister, mom, and friends loved the
way you loved me.

We were perfect,
but of course it was just in my head.

and now looking back, yes you could have been everything, you had the potential… but that’s not what I’m stuck on.

I’m stuck on how I want someone to be the everything (it’s no longer limited to just you.)

And when I think of the “someone” I want, I am returned back to the endless nights where I dreamt of it being you and you alone.

So I don’t think I’m stuck on you,
but rather the idea of you(“someone”).

Authors Note:
I know this poem isn’t like my usual work, there is no rhythm to it so I’m not even sure if I can consider it a poem… but I just needed to say this and this is how I want too.

© LRose