

A tree house
Write a poem on "A tree house"
In a forest, tall and grand,
Stands a tree house, hand in hand.
Branches cradle, leaves embrace,
A secret world, a hidden place.

Wooden steps, they wind and twist,
To where the clouds and treetops kiss.
Windows peek, with views so wide,
Inside, serenity does reside.

Birdsong lulls the heart to ease,
As sunlight filters through the trees.
The rustling leaves, a whispered song,
In this haven, one belongs.

Moonlight dances, stars alight,
Casting shadows, soft and light.
The tree house sways, in gentle breeze,
A refuge from life's constant seas.

Oh, to dwell in such a space,
Where nature's beauty we embrace.
A tree house, high and free,
A dreamlike realm, for you and me.
© Chesterfield Khongmawloh