

The Unforgettable Phase ?!
In my heart still prevail the things which were unsaid ,
I still remember the debt which was unpaid.

What debt ?" you might ask ;
I know that you forgot..
Guess you can't recall ,the promises we made
Of being together, laughing together, and maybe dying together?

I gave my everything to you ,
In return all I got was a ravel of painful memories From you ;
Maybe it was a sign to know ,
Everything that comes , afterall has to go ..

My heart still aches when I see you
Most hurtful thing now;
is that smiling picture of you

Today and everyday , i crave your embrace ,
But you just disappeared, leaving no trace

I wanted to take my last breath beside you ,
In tough times I wanted you to say , "this phase shall pass too" ...

But you left way too soon ,
and now I am all alone ,
Wandering in the fantasy which I wove for you me and no'ne..

Now as I walk down the memory lane,
all I can say is , "this phase Shall pass too ..!!"

PS : Title given by a great friend of mine :p

© Ztar.