

Happy people
Happy people playing, their voices resounding,
Their laughter ringing out, so utterly astounding,
Their merriment contagious, their joy profound,
As they frolic and gambol on the verdant ground.

Their faces alight with unadulterated bliss,
As they skip and hop, and even somersault with a twist,
Their movements fluid, their steps so light,
As they revel in the freedom of this wondrous sight.

Their expressions are suffused with felicity,
Their countenances beaming with such simplicity,
Their emotions unadulterated, their spirits free,
As they find solace in each other's company.

Their antics are whimsical, so playful and gay,
As they revel in the splendor of this glorious day,
Their mirth and gaiety so enchanting to behold,
As they cherish the beauty of nature's unfold.

The atmosphere is replete with their hilarity,
As they unleash their unbridled creativity,
Their minds unencumbered, their hearts so light,
As they bask in the sun's warm and gentle light.

Their blissful exuberance is truly contagious,
As they immerse themselves in the moment, so spontaneous,
Their innocence and simplicity so utterly profound,
As they inspire us to see the world through a child's eye, unbound.

So let us partake in their carefree revelry,
And cast aside all our worries and trepidations with great levity,
Let us embrace the happiness that surrounds us all,
And revel in the joy that we so often stall.

For in the end, life is but a fleeting ride,
And it is up to us to find the happiness that resides,
In the simple things, in the moments that matter,
And in the laughter and love that we so often scatter.

So let us dance, and sing with great mirth,
As we revel in the beauty of this precious earth,
Let us be happy and let our spirits fly,
As we live life to the fullest, and never shy.