

Busy Memories
In the eyes of your nights,
My every dream comes alive.
The quill gets up from sleep,
And starts to count the words.
No time for a nap,
Only passions are filled with whole schedules.
So busy, yet the mind works ;
Only for your memories.
Not so perfect my heart is,
It's broken and remade for thousands.
But it beats at your every breath,
And stops at your cries.
Mornings and nights,
Mind makes sure of your presence.
Falling spring makes perfect,
My illusions of your fragrance.
None words are perfect in this,
As we are not so too.
Only wishes of you,
Everytime my pages fold.
Not known if it will reach you,
As your continent is in the far ocean.
"Emotions don't need presence."
I believe it.
That's why I felt in love with you.

-Gracy Gohil
(3rd poem in the series "Conflicting with Feelings") Hope you enjoyed ☺️!

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