

10 Years in the dark.
If I gathered my possessions, and laid then out to show..
You wouldn't be impressed, only time will make it grow..
But my time is never planned, I live one second to the next..
I think, pray, and hustle, all my moves are for the best..
There's things I really love, but I've pushed them far away..
I want them nowhere near, when my demons come and play..
I'll tell you all a secret, there's not a person that I know..
That doesn't walking around, with some demons in their tow..
My demons are pitch black, they're the worst kind that exsists..
I fight them when I can, but my demons they persist..
Friends think that they're above me, I must be made of trash..
Can't fathom that I'm human, they watched my life just crash..
I pretend that I don't feel, practice helped me hide my heart..
My face shows no emotion, but my soul falls right apart..
Even when I feel no pride, habits stick just like a stain..
I know how to fix it, but the needles scar my veins..
Many years have past now, my hands have purple scars..
I guess that it's what happens, when your addicted too black tar..
I know it sounds quite bad, but that's not even the start..
Listen to my story, called 10 years trapped in the dark..
I wasn't even grown, when somebody offered me the cure..
Nothing ever stops the pain, it's the one thing I endure..
I didn't think it'd help, so I held the smoke inside..
Believed the lies they told me, the devil picked a great disguise..
It's not that I forgot, or that my pain was all erased..
Etched into my brain, but for now peace slowly took pains place..
The streets became my teacher, and circumstance taught me well..
I did all that I could, too make sure my boat would always sail..
Everyday I fought a battle, trying to keep the sickness far away..
Never knowing what could happen, is today my final day?
I knew that time was passing, I didn't care to know how much..
I gave all that time willing, I was running off pure luck..
The torture couldn't stop me, it just helped me dig my grave..
If you think your not addicted, just trust me your a slave..
Not many understand, they act like I do it all for kicks..
Do you really think its fun, to sell your life off bit by bit..
People say to me get right, right out their mouths they talk..
Thats telling someone crippled, to stand on their legs and walk..
The power that drug holds, is so much stronger than myself..
Inside the devils basement, theres jars of souls on every shelf..
It wasnt right away, but pretty soon I learned my fate..
First I him blood, then my soul served on a plate..
My story hasn't ended yet, I dug deep and found some strength..
The devil nearly had me, but now I'll go to any length..
He took my favorite person, she was young and couldn't see..
I can't wait for him to realize, his next soul won't come from me..
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