

The Sluggard.
He wakes up from the bed,
Yawns seven times and stretches himself,
and turns over,
like a pancake in a frying pan

By 10 o'clock in the morning he wakes up,
when his mates are in the marketplace,
working for their daily bread,
and growing in maturity

He finally wakes up from sleep,
and forfeits his morning prayers,
or any religious activity whatsoever,
and returns back to sleep

He resumes his sleep,
stretching and stretching,
having dreams, visions and hallucinations,
of becoming a multi millionaire

He dreams of gold,silver and ruby,
with his better half beside him,
and his offsprings springing,
bowed down and worshipped

He wakes up from slumber,
and stands astonished,
to discover his bed was gone.
and all he has,
because a sluggard real reality
is waking up into poverty

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