

Whispers of nature
#WhisperingNature #whispersofnature
The wind whispers through the trees,
A gentle, soothing sound.
It carries the secrets of the forest,
And the stories of the ground.

The birds sing in the branches,
Their songs a joyful choir.
They tell of love and life and laughter,
And the beauty of the world.

The river flows by slowly,
Its waters are clear and cool.
It reflects the sky and trees,
And the clouds that slowly pool.

The flowers bloom in the meadow,
Their color are bright and bold.
They dance in the breeze and sun,
And fill the air with their sweet scent.

Nature whispers to us all,
If we only listen close.
She tells us of her wonders,
And the joy that she can bring.

So open your heart and mind,
And listen to the whispers of nature.
She will fill you with peace and love,
And make your soul soar.