

Ego death
My ego is burning and causing me pain
Chaos in my head bound to drive me insane
Come save me from this place
I've wondered so far
Who the fuck am I anymore
I look over my shoulder
My heart beats fast
My blood starts to boil
A white hot flash
How do I make it stop
My thoughts just spiral
Out of control
Maybe it's denial
Maybe I'm a lost cause
Maybe im depressed
Maybe I'm a piece of shit
Just put me on some meds
I just feel so insecure
And nothing matters anymore
I push everyone away I love
I'm so easy to ignore
My words come out before I think
Voices take over and I start to sink
No one notices
I just look so dumb
Maybe one day I'll just feel numb
It's hard to care about yourself
When no one else really does
My feelings get put on a shelf
While people draw their guns
Taking shots from every side
I'm never good enough it seems
The desicions I make in my mind
Just lower my self esteem
I water myself down
To accommodate to others
No one's ever proud
Why do I even bother
My words aren't empty
I mean what I say
To put it quite simply
I can't go another day
Apologizing for how I think
Or how I feel inside
I feel like I'm on the brink
And I don't care if I die
I'm having visions of taking
This bandana round my throat
And fucking squeezing it
Until I suffocate or I choke
There's no hope
My chest is fucking empty inside
I sit alone and I cry
I don't know why I try
There's nothing left to revive
My souls been gone a long time
And I don't think I can survive
Another miserable night
Locked in my mind.

© bbpeace