

Tugging War with God's Promises [EXT.]
Many moments and nights
have convinced me
that I'd better be
left alone...

To be on the same side
here comes the seed
of hope and bright future ahead
there comes along my own doubt
so little but feeding the lying narratives
spreading like a wildfire
to the garden of my heart
quenching the transient flame
that should be kept
on fire
but I let the other side take place
and devour every lasting blaze
What's left was only fume
I'm not safe to be around them
I should've known
But I turnt being a turncoat
Every once in a while I was thinking
who would feel safe around me;
who wouldn't got me deserted
On one hand, who would've thought
I got saved by the very same saving grace
whom over time I gave it up and denied

I gotta keep writing about His goodness
In my life, I was nothing
In Him, I've got everything
In Him, I'm meant for something
The way He brought me back to life
turning it into beauty from ashes

At the end of the rope,
He wouldn't let me go
when I let Him go
You've kept me surrounded,
cleansing this dirty heart
Know that Your Holy Fire has purified
what's no longer served
Old things are forsaken
For I've begun anew

Isaiah 61:3
© Lensed° NP
#HaveFaith #believe #hearttouching #reminder

*none creds on pic taken*
📍Vjecna Vatra (The Eternal Flame), Sarajevo