

I can feel it all around me,
Circling and on the prowl.
That never fleeting sense of anxiety,
Craving the taste of total mind control.
Seems as if I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall
Right down on top of us all.
It's like the busting open of the floodgates,
Unleashing that all too familiar dread,
The kind which makes the sea turn red.
Forced now to face an excruciating fate.
If only I didn't feel like this,
I could make it stop.
Then, I wouldn't always get torn apart
By the beast which dwells inside this pessimist.
Please allow me to help explain,
Exactly as to who it is that I am.
I go by many names,
Namely four.
They call me Death, Famine, Disease, and War...
I am that dark thing that haunts your daydreams;
That uncertainty for which you can't ignore.
What pains you is that I'm what keeps you up at night,
What kills you is deep down inside, you know I'm right.
You always end up creating what you fear instead.
Oh, how I love messing with your head...
Infesting your mind,
One bit at a time.
Consuming everything,
Including your life.
Suppression from regression.
Choking on your own toxic despair
And cursing the names of everyone that brought you there.
Oppression through obsession.
Like a moth to a flame,
There is no one else to blame.
Dear child, did you ever think I would leave you alone?
You are too much fun...
We are destined to do this forever,
With me being your own personal endeavor.
Call me your blessing, your curse, your affliction...
As long as you give me power, I will continue persisting.
Epiphany...misery loves company.
To deny me is to die by me.
To name me is to take power from me.
Clarity...nervousness is poisonous.
Open your eyes to truly see,
You are your own worst enemy.

© Obsidian_Asylum
#anxiety #selfimprovement #hopethroughthedarkness #anxiousmind #overthinking #overthinker