

My everything ♡
Sometimes I feel like my world revolves around you
Like the earth would vanish if it doesn't see the sun
I know you will always be my source of light
Like the moon who gives us light at night
I am attracted to you like a magnet
Like Amira Martin's theory opposites attract
I feel like you're gravity
Like I cannot be not attracted to you even for a moment
When I'm with you I forget about everything
Even that I'm a human being
Everytime I'm with you, my heart beats a mile faster
Like my legs will give me up and breathing becomes harder
Your touch is like a fire on my skin
And i know i would melt if you were to hug me tighter
I feel like you're a drug and I'm addicted to you
Like i need my daily dosage of you
You're my everything and there's no scientific explanation for it
You're just...my everything ♡

© Nahimi
- Nahimi