

Wu Ji Ai Ni
#WritcoPoemPrompt35 #Historical #Chinese #Ancient #Poem

© Tad_Lestrange

By the flickering light of an ancient lamp,
By the twinkling waters of an ancient river,
The dancer entertains the heathen enemies.
This fascinating history forever etched in stone,
Is a monumental discovery...

For a tale that has not yet been told,
in the midst of chaos love would unfold,
A man in white shall search for his treasure,
In pain and in sorrow his love can never measure.

Unexpectedly a man in black his beloved returned,
the love inside bloomed and burned,
he no longer yearns for the one he seeks,
as he now promise himself to hide the man and so he speaks.

as he quoted "For he is mine and mine alone, I'd die for my love until the sun now shones."

♡(> ਊ <)♡