


Habits can be very bad.
Sometimes, you won't be able to see it coming,
But habits manage to sway your happiness–
In one way or another.

My love was becoming a habit.
I was happier to be in love with her,
And then in a blink of an eye ,
My habits backstabbed me,

I kept telling myself not to let go,
Because I thought that this love's twines were too mighty.
They are broken now,
All I remain with is just illusions.
I tied myself to loving her,
Because habits never die.

Who would not get attracted to her sparkling eyes?
I smelled fragrance of her lips ,
And suddenly wanted more and more.
She had magic in her words,
And I kept following her scent.
It became a habit,
And my heart is paying for my recklessness.

© Gisele