

Ominous Waves Of My Unforeseen Dilemma
On this quest of restoration
I’ve discovered sorrow yet again,
from the shadows of uncertainties
resides my intruder, my pain.

Drowning me in waves of emotions
In conflict with this wrenching outcome,
Inducing me to silent mental discord,
Craving I perish in my affliction
Yet I claw - desperate to unearth clarity -
Refusing to be a man undone.

Sadly I'm unravelled and shaken by the quakes of circumstance,
Such dance stresses my bones,
this tension breaks my soul,
A humble reminder,
the gifts of misfortune belongs to all,
this treacherous game crafted by a celestial,
yet exclusive to mortals.
Offering trauma as reward, Permeating my skin, this canvas abandoned by God.

Madness dawns, provoking meditation and prayer to elude my lips quiver,
Endless consequences invade like the stars,
Engrossed by the doubts of a believer.

Agony fills my cup of hopeful expectation,
yet I expect not,
For I am plagued with questions
Setting my confusion a blaze,
Wondering aimlessly within the dark confines of my thoughts,
A hue of gloom vividly capturing the essence of my hurt.

Oh, the horrors I’d unleash on my oppressor,
For woe makes a simple man a sinner,
yet my knees stains the dirt,
And Rooted I remain, enduring for peace to reclaim sanity for my sake,
Lighting the path of my discernment,
Peeling the shell of impulse chocking my reasoning,
Revealing my hands don’t belong in blood,
Lord guide me away from myself.

Distraught in my realm of vulnerability,
This infinite, yawning well of chastisement
Scorehes my battered flesh
For acquisition of wisdom cut deeper
Than sharpened knives honed for war,
From its bowels springs a gospel of a bitter revelation not all wounds can be restored.
Yet dares growth from my heavy soul
To accept what has been taught
Or claim foolishness as kin
Marinating sweetly in loss, truth unchanged.

For reality cannot be mocked by wishes.
I'm crippled by issues withstanding my rule,
Regardless of how much I seize obscurity bleeds through.

But Soaked in the wanderings of my contemplation I find solace in powerlessness,
Illuminating my frustration with meandering on the plain of my despair proves to be useless.

Yet he who learns patiently, maneuvers
Through the whims of life's
reckless flamboyance,
Commands the winds of peaceful security
to rest on his soul.

Oh amidst this unforeseen dilemma,
I cry for release, to loosen your hold.
For healing beckoned me moments ago,
Yet I've drifted across the floor where melancholy has declared its abode.

© fruitfulodyssey

#experience #lifelesson #writco