

Autumn in Texas
It always seems delayed.
The high heat lingers throughout the month.

Ninety degrees [F] and higher,
sweaty walks to the car,
cranked up air conditioners.

But then,
it arrives.

An overnight rushing-in of instant coldness.

A coldness hungry to strip away
the embers of summer's warmth.

The relentless biting wind
cutting through clothes and skin,
heading straight for my very bones.

But even so, I enjoy this weather.

The crisp fall air,
clearing my head when I step out.

The frigid stillness in the morning,
creating a peace
that I cannot feel in the summer,
under that mucky pounding heat.

I love the exhilarating thrill of rushing air
as I drive with the windows down
through the quiet city streets.

Sitting on the porch,
listening to the cool wind
sweep across the landscape.

Seeing the world in a different light,
as the sun rays hit everything in sight
with a dampened intensity.

It may have taken over a month
for the cold weather to hit.

But today I can finally say,

Welcome Fall!

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