

Symbol Of Love
Love on its own,
Still lays undefined.
Its uniqueness untold,
And its fragments ungathered.
It spreads across the universe,
Emitting its beauty,
Just like the sun releases its rays,
Leaving no one empty of its effect.

It's beautiful in it's own way,
Creating a symbol of fulfillment,
Glancing down from my balcony,
I saw love defined with different meanings
And each of it was just perfect in it's own concept.
Love, they say is pure
But only to those who understand.

Love, the greatest gift ever given to man,
But yet few understand.
An ayota of it,
Leaves one refreshed to the core.
It's aura is the sweetest but yet bitter,
It rallies not for it's self,
But yet, it's impact is evergreen.

© Henrietta Otu