

It's better to become an orphan rather than having toxic parents.
It's better to read books rather than fighting with siblings for rivalry.
It's better to talk with a mirror rather than sharing secrets with fake friends.
It's better to live in jungle rather than staying with nasty neighbours.
It's better to pray to God rather than asking help from snake-like relatives.
It's better to stay single rather than being surrounded by wrong people.
It's better to do self-love rather than loving someone one-sidedly.
It's better to stay poor rather than accepting a marriage proposal from a play boy.
It's better to pet dogs rather than living with a cold-hearted person.
It's better to earn from home tuition rather than doing illegal activities.
It's better to become infertile rather than giving birth to a demon baby.
It's better to avoid a rich, spoiled brat rather than giving a punishment.
It's better to show proofs rather than arguing with liars.
It's better to listen music rather than doing gossips.
It's better to die like a dead rat rather than being surrounded by people shedding crocodile tears.
It's better to follow a brain of experience rather than following a heart of innocence.

© Baishali Mandal