

Every day this girl wakes up at four a.m.
She gets her hungry self out of bed and brushes her teeth with the little bit of toothpaste they have left.
She puts on pants that have rips and holes and don't insulate her from the cold.
She wears a shirt that has been worn so many times it is as thin as a sheet of paper.
She ties the frayed shoe laces on her beat up dirt filled shoes.
She goes to the kitchen and looks for something to fill her.
She finds nothing.
She goes down to the bakery down the road and picks up a free muffin.
She smiles at the all to familiar woman who is always there with a free muffin or cookie.
She walks three blocks to school in the below zero, freezing air.
She gets to school and goes to her locker only to find all of her textbooks are shredded.
She turns around with tears in her eyes and faces towards the laughing group of kids.
This was not the first time that it happened.
It would definitely not be the last.
She walks away and into her first period.
She could feel the hurtful eyes glaring into her back.
The same pair that always did.
She never did anything to him. She never did anything to anyone in the school.
But that didn't stop them.
But they were different. They did it for the laugh. He did it for a reason. There was a void of questions that had not been answered.
Why her?
Why did he personally have vengeance towards her?
What did she do?
But he wasn't going to answer them.
She was considered an attention seeker if she talked to boys.
She was considered a try hard if she tried to talk to girls.
If she had make-up on she was trying too hard.
If she went natural she was too plain.
She had to always go natural because she didn't have money for make-up.
So she was always plain.
When she got home from school she was greeted by her loving family.
They sat in the middle of the frontroom on the floor sharing a can of corn for dinner.
They were happy.
They shared good and bad stories about their day.
She went to bed thinking of the new day tomorrow.
She was hoping for it to be better than today's events.
A couple years down the road she is waking up again.
Except this time she isn't cold.
She is blessed in the morning with the warm air of the vent.
She gets up and gets dressed.
She puts on a soft blouse that buttons up.
She wears a pencil skirt that zips up on the side.
She puts on her pristine heels.
She goes to the bathroom and takes a shower.
She brushes her teeth. This time the tube was full.
She gets a hearty breakfast. One that fills her up.
She walks out the door to the large black suv waiting for her.
She was driven to work.
She hops out and walks into the building that towers over all of the other ones.
She gets greeted by everybody.
She smiles and heads up to her office on the top floor.
For the rest of the day she works and works and works until the sun sets on the orange horizon.
She heads out to the same sun that was waiting for and heads back home.
When she gets home she find her family already there laughing and catching up.
They all sit around the large oak table and eat a dinner that has at least three main dishes and seven side dishes.
They talk until the sky turns black and everybody is falling asleep.
She helps them all to their rooms and then heads to hers.
She gets dressed into her silk pajamas and slides under the warm covers.
She lays there thinking.
She thinks about her new life.
How blessed she is to have it.
How happy she is.
How happy her family is. And how happy the future generations of her family are going to be.
She remembers her old life.
How happy she was to have it as well.
If she had to, she would live like that again.
It wouldn't be comfortable or warm. Or even safe.
But she has been through worse.
She has survived the hardest of things.
She has become a strong woman.
One is ready to take on whatever life brings her.
She became a warrior.

© @darkasknight