

In the depths of night, where shadows creep,
And stars are veiled by sorrow's weep,
There lies a pain, unseen, untold,
Of shattered dreams and stories bold.

Oh, once upon a vibrant dawn,
Hope danced upon the hearts withdrawn,
With dreams that soared on unseen wings,
Where endless possibilities would spring.

Through a child's eyes, the world was grand,
A tapestry of dreams, carefully planned,
But life, it flowed with cruel disdain,
Shattering dreams like fragile glass, in pain.

In the corner of an old, forgotten room,
Whispers linger, in silent gloom,
A dreamer sits, eyes filled with tears,
Recalling the echo of long-lost cheers.

The artist, whose brush once painted skies,
Now stares at emptiness, with vacant eyes,
Colors bleed, forever stained,
By whispers of doubt, and hopes restrained.

She once believed in a world full of grace,
Where dreams were laced with sunlight's embrace,
But reality's grip, so cold, so cruel,
Broke the spirit, like a shattered jewel.

In a lover's heart, a fire once burned,
A love so fierce, a love never spurned,
But in the hands of fate's tempestuous mirth,
Their love shattered, scattered to the earth.

Now he walks with a heavy heart so torn,
His dreams lie scattered, forever mourned,
In every step, a hollow sound,
As shattered echoes reverberate around.

In the eyes of a mother, aged and wise,
Tears cascade down a face with lines,
She once held dreams, like fragile dove,
But life's storm cast her far from love.

Her children's dreams she held so dear,
Now shattered fragments, crystal-clear,
She wonders where she went astray,
When her dreams slipped, far away.

Oh, shattered dreams, what beauty lies,
In the fragments of these tear-filled cries?
For in each crack, a tale is weaved,
Of strength unyielding, deep reprieve.

For shattered dreams are not but loss,
But a journey's map, through pain's dark gloss,
They teach us that to dream is brave,
Though our hearts may break, we must be saved.

For dreams, though shattered, do not perish,
But transform into the soul's true cherish,
From broken fragments, a phoenix will rise,
And paint anew the expansive skies.

So let us heed the lessons learned,
From shattered dreams, our hearts adjourned,
With courage in hand, we'll rise again,
And chase the dreams that still remain.

Though shattered dreams may pierce the soul,
They polish hearts, make us whole,
In the tapestry of life's grand design,
Shattered dreams, as stars, will always shine.

#shattereddreams #poembydeep #deep_widin #deepz_talk #deep'spoem #dream #emotional #writco

© deep_widin