

Birthpangs before success
In the eventides of success lies obstacles, large like waterscapes of the Nile,

high as the great walls of China,

broad as the coasts of Mesopotamia and

low as the dark depths of the Mediterranean.

Many turned back at crossroads to excellence,

terrified by the turbulence of the raging wind which lies at the corridor of breakthrough,

giving room to fear, doubt & uncertainties of what lies ahead!

At the dusk of success lies series of groanings,


emotional breakdowns,



betrayals and sufferings.

What eventually makes mere men kings is that spirit of 'never giving up',

never backing down,

persistent perseverance and zealous passion when things fall apart.

That vehicle which drives notes of dream on tattered vans of hope to banks of reality isn't a smooth ride, it's not a Ferrari neither is it a Kawasaki.

© daniel ezeokeke