

Soak in You
You on repeat
The DVD pops in
Tattered and scratched
For It's you on repeat.

I've memorized
Every contour, nook and cranny
I've competed with sleep
Its you I study

I've slithered into your pocket
Now drape me around your neck,
Latch onto flesh,
I've morph into your locket

I'd don your skin if I could,
Travel along the veins
That make up you

I'd charge the chorus
Of a maddening choir
These hands conduct
what is ours

See how I traverse the seas
for you?

Do you see how the the trees and
bees come forward in threes?
Hear them hum our song,
Swallow my desperate pleas!

Behold the awe that sparkle in their eyes
Nature cowers but it never lies
Its the light you catch from the sky
The hands that moves me to new heights

If this is love, then
I've never felt more alive

© JkeMac