

Farewell to the Memories

In the twelfth month, on the twenty-third day,
A time of joy and warmth, in December's sway.
But now it's time to bid our memories adieu,
To let them go, though it makes us feel blue.

Twenty-three gifts, like treasures we've held tight,
Each one a reminder of moments shining bright.
But as the last day dawns, bittersweet and near,
We gather strength, for the future is clear.

The Best memories we cling to, with a heavy heart,
Knowing it's time to part, though it tears us apart.
Sadness fills the air as we say our goodbyes,
Yet, hope arises, a beacon in our eyes.

For the future awaits, like a blank canvas untold,
A new chapter, a story yet to unfold.
Though we must let go, we'll forever carry on,
With courage and resilience, for what lies beyond.

So, on this twenty-third day, in December's embrace,
We bid farewell, with love and grace.
Though it's hard to say goodbye to what we know,
We'll be strong, for the future's seeds we sow.

Let the memories go, like a gentle winter's breeze,
For in our hearts, they'll forever find their ease.
With hope in our souls, we embrace the dawn,
Ready for the future, where new memories will be born.
© Bittercrazy18