

The death of a Friend
It's so tender
like a wound that won't ever heal
everything holds a piece of you
and I feel like my mind
is scrambling to put together the pieces
like that could somehow save you
what hurts the most is knowing
that I can't truly believe there
right next to you
on the last page of your story
I'm too far to say goodbye
one last time
I wonder about life without you
it won't be the same
but sadly
the differences will be small
too small for comfort
it feels like you've been gone years already
I miss you
you've grown old
and left me behind
and yes
things change
I get it
but it's not fair
its never fair
I'm not saying I wish to go too
but I wish that you didn't have too
but things change
and it's long past due
for you to leave
death will be more merciful
than life
I hate to watch your pain
but know
that the hole you leave
will never be filled
instead I'll make new places in my heart
that will hide the one you held
thank you
you were so smart and kind and loyal
till the very very end
you were such a good dog.

© addiworks
#dog #friend #gone #love #prayers #pain #sadness #home #feelings #death