

"Journey To Wholeness"
In the depths of soul, a journey lies
A path of healing, where hearts realize
The fragments of the past, now worn and gray
Must be gathered, and a new way found to stay

Through valleys dark, where shadows roam
And mountains steep, where fears make their home
The traveler must brave the unknown terrain
And face the demons that once caused such pain

But as the miles unfold, like petals of a flower
The heart begins to mend, and love's pure power
Reveals the beauty of a soul set free
A reflection of the love that's meant to be

With each step forward, a piece is found
A shard of truth, a spark of love profound
The heart's canvas, once a canvas of pain
Now paints a masterpiece of joy and love again

Through trials fierce, and tears that fall like rain
The journeyer discovers strength in every stain
For every wound, a scar remains to tell
A testament to resilience and love's indelible seal

And when the road unwinds, like threads of a tapestry
The traveler finds themselves in wholeness' ecstasy
A soul redeemed, where love and light reside
A heart that beats with purpose, and a spirit that abides

In this journey to wholeness, we find our way
Through darkness and through light, to a brighter day
Where love's pure essence heals the deepest wounds
And in its radiance, our true selves are found.
© Melody