

True Discpleship
Day to Day,
I walk with Thee,
Denying myself ,
For Eternity ,
Never Lusting for Flesh
Nor do I thirst for,
Others permission of who I ought to be.

Only seeking for your Glory,
Turning a full 180,
Seeing what you want for me,
Makes me want more of you,
And less of me.

Lord If I only knew,
The Pain you beared,
Taking upon you,
My sin without a fear,
For the Flesh was weak,
But the Spirit without doubt,
Ready to die,
To give everyone there their equal fare,

Your Father,
The conductor of this Universe,
Sent you the Train
To show us the way,
Which we the passengers with faith from above,
Gladly follow with unwavering love.

For I see Now,
That you were always there ,
When I was tired of this world,
Eating to fill the depths of my dispear
That you could easily make whole,
And ready to die,
You said four words to me
"You have A Purpose "
And that stuck with me.

So being born of the world,
I never knew the real you,
Always taking the world 's,
Misconcepted view of You,
Twisting and turning it
To fit into my own puzzle.

Who would have thought ,
I committed Idoltry,
Trying to Mismatch some False God,
Who Never really knew me.
Who never really loved me.
Who only really despised me.

He tried to contest with your awesomeness,
But in the the end,
No one else can match your authenticity.

So, I lift up my cup, Lord,
Please fill it up,
Help me to see,
that without you,
I can't stand up straight,
I'll be like the frail lame man,
sitting at the gate.

Begging for silver and gold,
Looking for vanity,
And not knowing that your, Glory,
Is staring right at me.

© All Rights Reserved
Desmond Jones