

The Silhouette Of Love
You are the personification of a lost poem.
An ancient text that the world forgot to learn.
You touch others as much as you long to be touched by them.
But ignorance filled them
while you brimmed with love.
A lot have ran their eyes over your words,
most failing to understand them.
Among the few who understood,
how many could read between your lines?
You tumbled among a lot of undeserving hands,
before you settled in the dusty corner of someone's memory.
Did the hands that held you show you any mercy?
Some took advantage,
some cared less
and some hardly saw you.
But there were one or two,
I saw, tears in their eyes
and an ache in their heart,
they let you go too.
Now they remember your shadow,
now they celebrate it
and now they lament for the lost treasure.
But do they know what they really lose?
Do you?
I can see you smiling a soft smile,
from that dark corner where you found peace.
Like a withered and blurred
silhouette of love.
What do I have to lose,
for you to come back and teach me to love again?
For all I can find in me
are the footprints of love that you left behind.

© Chintha