

If I was to start a flame,
Your heart would be the spark.
If your heart was a prison,
I would like to be sentenced for life.
If a kiss could say just how much I love you,
My lips would be on yours Forever.
If the world was made of paper and the sea of ink,
I would write everywhere that I love you.


If I could have the wish to wake up everyday,
To the sound of your breath on my neck,
To the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
To the touch of your fingers on my skin,
The feeling of your heart beating with mine.
If I could wish all that to be true,
Then I would be a happy man indeed

But there's always a saying that goes,
"If wishes were horses then all beggers would ride,"
Maybe my destiny wasn't meant for me to be in love,
Maybe I'm not fine,
No one even cares for me,
No one has tears for me,
For even
No one believes in me

But it's fine
For the past is like a past paper,
The pesent is like a news paper,
And the future is like a question paper
Life as an answer paper,
For a horse I am,
Running in the desert,
One in the ground,
I run for mine-dear life.

© Malnifruit 🍎🍎🍎