

DAY 1075 of 1095
Thank you for another
Thank you for another beautiful day
Thank you for another beautiful day
That I will cherish
That I will 3mbrace
with both hands passionately
These are the things I pray daily
These are my words matter-of-factly
I am so grateful to still be here
As I've been to the other side
This is a reality I do not hide
I know what it's like
to have angels guide my light
Heaven is such a beautiful sight
But I was told I must continue on
So back to my body I returned
But here is something I've learned
Philosophically my mind yearns
To understand all I have seen
Watching my life pass before my eyes
Ever so slowly
As if it were a surreal dream
I've come to understand what it all means
Or at least this is how it seems
But here's what I think
See if you agree
If life were music
Then I am a song among many
in this living journey
Touching as many souls as I can
As I MooVe along
Finding the words to my song
The road only looks long
For tomorrow may never come
Today is all we truly have
So thank you for the sun on my face
Thank you for the air in my lungs
It's all the little things I think of
I am so grateful for all the LoOVe
As my prayers rise
Upon the wings of doves
Please Lord protect the ones i LooVe
Send them Guardian angels from above
As Life can sometimes
feel like a push and shove
Life can be such a thuG
Make yah feel like putting on some gloves
It has no sentiment of enough is enough
It's all about put up or shut up
It's taking the bull by the horns
Not going to hide under a rock
Doing what must be done and what not
But I been around the block
So I haven't forgot to stop
and Smell the flowers
As I give thanks to the one above
Tis another beautiful day, Thank God

~ DPoMLiVe

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