

The cool wind embraces her body,
Playing through the tresses, sends a shiver down her soul,
The wiff of floral scent bewitches her,
Enamouring her every sense as she stops to smell the wild flowers amid her stroll,

This place is reminiscent with the essence of love,
Which had once enveloped her entire soul,
The meadow is filled with the memories,
Which still have the capacity to make her lose total control,

As she walks past the luscious grass,
And reaches the beautiful meadow lake,
The cool water tingles her feet,
Making her heartache,

Her heart longs for her lover's touch,
A sensation which she has missed since long,
Not that she hasn't been wooed by other men,
But none have been able to replace the essence that she has been carrying in her heart all along,

As she closes her eyes and bends to touch the water,
She feels a hand's familial brush,
On opening her eyes she sees the face, she has longed to see,
And inturn collapses into the comforts of his long awaited touch,

He entangles his fingers with her's,
And tuggs, asking her to follow,
As she strides besides him, she feels invisible ropes pulling her body,
Which make her turn back towards her lifeless face, that stares at her from the lake's end that appears relatively shallow,

Shocked when she looks towards her lover,
He points towards a bright light,
As she moves with him towards the light,
She realizes, that finally, time had come for her to be with him forever, which emanicipates her internal fright.

© Gareema Raju