

Whispers of the Shattered Soul

Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
A broken soul shivers deep,
Was torn and shattered on the reef,
Where shadows and secrets silently creep.

In the whispering winds of a moonless night,
Echoes of dreams take fragile flight,
Through the veil of mist, a glimmering light,
Guides the lost heart towards its fight.

Beneath the stars, where silence speaks,
A melody of hope softly leaks,
From the cracks of time, the soul seeks,
A place where love and solace peaks.

Through the labyrinth of forgotten fears,
A path emerges, paved with tears,
Yet courage blooms, as dawn appears,
Dispelling the darkness, calming the years.

And as the sun ascends the sky,
The broken soul learns to fly,
With wings of strength, it soars on high,
Embracing life, no longer shy.