

reply to hanging your head in shame.
all of these things are not done out of sexiest nature. that culture specific behavior ma'am. do not take your blind hatred out on me simply because I was born as man on the same roll of the dice as you were born a woman. I am an American. I was raised to believe that woman are equal and if for any reason they aren't they are superior to men if for no other reason then they don't use their penis for most of their thinking (which I suppose is why my mother raised me to be a person and to both act and think like a person instead of acting and thinking like a man which to her I am forever grateful for that wonderful ability as I wouldn't be able to correct bigoted blind hate such as yours without it) I believe woman are as capable, as any man when givin the right tools to do the same jobs, I believe they have as much right to hold positions of power, as high or as low as they so choose. I also believe they like men deserve to suffer consequences for their actions and if they wish to be equal share equal accountability and be made examples of in the SAME MANNER as men. I am not responsible for the horrible crimes committed against women in other countries or my own as I am a man of honor and a man who takes the time to empower woman as much as his fellow men at every possible opportunity im given along the way. so for you and your bigoted attack twoard all men in the way that you do is no more right or valid then the heinous injustice you speak of. I to am against all of those things. your hate or righteous anger as it were is a valid point of ugly human nature that as a world needs to be addressed and changed but seek vengeance blindly on all men ( especially ones like myself who are as much supporters of your feminist cause as I am a supporter of all humanitarian and equal rights movements ) doesn't help your cause or stop the brutality it if anything enforces it to those who felt it was justified in the first place. You cannot become the enemy and remain valid in your fight for justice. and sadly I believe because you are abusive you deserve to face consequences for your actions which is a shame because your energy and original purpose are both needed and valid bit going about it in the ways you have have caused your message and progress in this field to lose value and a valuable leader as now you have no valid ground to stand on and should be punished to the full extent possible as it's what you yourself would demand if it were a man!