

The simple word life 🧬
Is not so simple;
It is full of ups and downs–🗻
Like a face with pimples and dimples.😅
It is a place where we can
Live, love and laugh, 😆
Co-operate rather than compete,😌
Face challenges that are tough.😵
Life is a gift, life is a blessing,😇
And the grave is not its goal,🙅‍♀️
It is an ultimate stage where
Everyone must play a role.💬
Life is a stage, life is a drama.👏
And we are the characters of this amazing cinema👩‍🦰👩‍🦱👨‍🦰👩‍🦳👨‍🦱🧒👧👨‍🦳👦👱‍♀️👵🧓👴🧓🧓🏿👨🏼

© Sukanya Roy
#the gift of life

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