

What, does the darkness want?
Who does the darkness need?
is the darkness everywhere?
On everything?
Inside of me?

What about the Light?
What is it?
What does it want?
Is it good or evil?

What about the in between?
Such as lying to save another
Where does it lie?
Is it in between?
In the seldom gray?

Which is which?
Which is good or evil?
Is gray evil?
Is gray good?

When does the darkness leave?
What about the light and gray?
Do they stay?

Are things as simple as yin and yang?
Or is the another factor driving these things?

Is it possiable to be all three?
Light, Dark, Grey and everything in between?

These are questions the mind might have. Why do we think? Why do we speak? How do we classify right and wrong?
Is there a distinct line? or do they fade into the other?

Writteb by - SirDallasFleming
© SirDallasFleming All Rights Reserved