

A Mother's Guiding Light
A maternal icon, steadfast and true,
Your selflessness has been my guiding clue.
With shards of glass, you taught me to read,
And in your eyes, my future was decreed.

Your unwavering love, a beacon bright,
Has illuminated my path, banishing the night.
You sacrificed your own well-being, it's true,
To nurture mine, with a love both fierce and new.

Like a phoenix, you rose above the pain,
Concealing grief, to shield me from life's stain.
Your moral lessons, a treasure to hold,
Have shaped my character, like a masterpiece to mold.

Your strength, a bulwark against life's turbulent tide,
Has been my solace, my comfort, my guide.
You are both father and mother, a dual role,
Filled with devotion, a love that makes me whole.

Let me express my gratitude, in verse and in deed,
For the sacrifices you've made, the love you've decreed.
You are my hero, my mentor, my shining star,
Forever in my heart, a love that will travel far.

© Bishal kalita