

My little tree House
"My little tree House" 🏡🌳 isn't it lovely said 🧑Stacy? Come on guys let's go play in my little tree house up there said Stacy?? This is where I come to ease the stress off "WoW 😲it's beautiful said Molly👧 "O look it's way up high" let's go check it out said Molly!!O 😲my it's very high up in the sky, how far it's the ground said piggy 🐖?? Mm 🤔💭 it's very beautiful inside too, even though it's high off ground said piggy 🐖!! it's even bigger on the inside too even though it's small on the outside said bird 🐦!! "😲O look" look over there it's a lots of toys to play with said👶Suzy with a baby laugh😆!!I love what you do with the place said 🐻bear with his rough voice !!"would you like some tea said Stacy 🧑?🍵 please O yes please said piggy 🐖!! Thank you🐖and me too said Molly 👧!! Here's some for you too baby Suzy 👶, said Stacy!! 'Hello everyone thanks for playing with me in my little tree House today even though it's so far off the earth, everyone gets silent 😶, it's a joke 😃😃 silly said Stacy!! Everyone all laugh 🤣😂 and have fun 🥳🥳🥳. The End. #WritcoPoemPrompt52
Write a poem on "A tree house"
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