

Rain Paints
Farmers love it most,
Because it weeps away their worries
And bring back what they have lost,
As well as the smile upon their face.

Plants grow as soon as rain touches land,
Flocks don't starve they are fed.
Some writers get inspired by looking
At how raindrops fall on their hands.

We loved to get bath under the gutter,
We didn't care what the neighbors may utter.
Smelling the first rain was the only thing that matter.

Rain helps lovers to cuddle,
and hold each other While single ones hold tightly their jumpers and search for what to order.

I remember when we were young,
We used to run and play as a small gang.
When it was raining that is what we called "relaxing".

Rain is not a curse, it is a blessing.
Rain is not everything, it is something,
Rain is not a thing, it is a moment.
Rain paints memories.