The Soul Ink
I write on the skin
A part of me,
Lymph of my days
Having become vital,
I write on the skin
What led
my steps so far,
The reason,
What I finally found ...
the reason of my being.
I write on the skin,
My passion
Let it be a warning to myself
From now on,
Until this
remain alive in me.
It's Written on the skin ...
To remember
... To fight and not give up.
Not to give...
A part of me,
Lymph of my days
Having become vital,
I write on the skin
What led
my steps so far,
The reason,
What I finally found ...
the reason of my being.
I write on the skin,
My passion
Let it be a warning to myself
From now on,
Until this
remain alive in me.
It's Written on the skin ...
To remember
... To fight and not give up.
Not to give...