

Dream in the middle of the night
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams,
unaware it truly happened,
Maybe it was due to the war that broke between Ukraine and Russia but yes it happened,
Maybe mine mind was playing with the previous thought,
but I was deep asleep,
Outside we were waiting for something,
the news was that of our electricity cut off,
but suddenly as I was looking above ,
I could see we were under attack,
missiles flying high above,
soldiers jumping from high above,
sounds so terrific I could not withstand,
I was afraid that the bomb might directly tear my heart apart,
Sometimes looking high above ,
and sometimes bending my head down
scared of the flying jet in town,
fires and smoke spreading like orange balls scattering and mingling around the sky,
dusky air,grey and smokey,
polluting the air ,
depleting the ozone layer,
Fearful, suddenly when I woke up ,
It was just a dream ,
I had foreseen.

It was just my dream ,
In the middle of the night I was wondering ,
In dream If it was so dreadful,
what about the people,
who are loitering and screaming,
trudging and fighting for the sake of their country,
my mind really was anxious and disturbed just by watching the scene.

Please stop war ,
settle with peace.

© -Darshana Thapa